Saturday, April 7, 2012

Top 15 most popular Chinese websites

About albert de leon's report on Chinese websites-              ..................................................................................................................................................................       ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................  Be informed of all the existing most popular websites in China with their counterpart of Yahoo, Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and many other known international websites  with the additional 5 best Chinese video websites.... .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Top 15 Most Popular Chinese Websites

What are the most popular websites in China?  Here are the top 15 most popular Chinese websites in Chinese language based on a combination of Alexa Rank, content richness, users’ reviews and freshness. It would be great if you could add your favorite Chinese websites to the list or write some reviews of them.

1. Baidu

Undisputed No.1 search engine in China, reportedly has over 70% market share in 2009. Besides websites search, MP3 search, Image search, Video search and other search services, it also offers Baidu Hi(similar to Myspace), Baidu Zhidao(similar to Yahoo Answers), Baidu Tieba(similar to Google Groups) and more.

2. QQ (Tecent)

Largest instant messaging service provider in China. Looks like ICQ? Yes, it’s a replica of ICQ. With the extreme popularity of QQ, Tencent has expanded its market to portal site, shopping platform(Consumer to Consumer), QQ Space and more.


China is a complicated market which is not so easy for foreign companies. Google is not an exception despite its overall success around the globe. When will google become the top search engine in China? Hard to say, but one thing is for sure: the more internationalized and maturer the Chinese are, the more popularity Google will gain.


Like Yahoo in US, Sina is number one portal site in China. Providing news, mail, blog platform, instant messaging, communites and more. Sina blogs is extremely popular in China.


Like Ebay in US, Taobao is the most popular shopping website in China. Thousands of Chinese small businesses and sellers are struggling to make a decent money on it, which in most of times turns out a impossible task.


The most popular free Email service provider in China.


One of the most popular portal website in China. Offering news, communities, and other services.


The most popular social networking website in China. Providing image sharing and hosting, instant messaging, music sharing, blog hosting, interactive games and more.


The most popular video sharing website in China. Why? Partly because people in China are not able to watch videos from Youtube.

10. Yahoo China

Chinese version of Like Google, Yahoo China is facing a bitter war against its local competitors like Sina and Sohu.


Largest Chinese online community. Offering forums, blog hosting, image hosting, video sharing, shopping and more. It is a ideal place to kill time.


Formerly named Xiaonei, Renren is the most popular social networking website for college students. Some critics have ironically point out that the success of Renren largely depends on its faithful imitation of Facebook.


One of the most popular websites to watch, share and host videos.


Like CNN in the US, Ifeng is a portal-like website which features news, forums and more.


Web 2.0 based social networking website where people can find others who have the same or similar interests on books, videos and more. A great site with less garbage   ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Top 5 Best Chinese Video Websites

What are the most popular Chinese video websites? Here are top 5 most popular Chinese video sharing websites based on Alexa rank, popularity and users’ reviews.
1. Youku is the most popular video websites in China.
2. Tudou is another one of Chinese video sharing sites.
3. gives us one more choice to watch Chinese movies, videos as well as US, Korean and Hongkong movies and TV series.
4. is another one of most popular video sharing sites.
5. is one more popular Chinese video and movie website.
 ................................................................................................................................................  <a href="" target="_top"><img src=""></a>       ................................................................................................................................................. <A href=""> <img src="" border="0">     ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

1. Top 5 Best Chinese Video Websites.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Bilibino nuclear power plant

   The reactors are hidden beneath those red circles  .
About albert de leon's nuclear power plant report from Russia-

..     About 700 people work at the  power plant   ......................................................................................................................................................       ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................The Bilibino nuclear power plant in Chukchi Peninsula was built under the permafrost conditions.(The permafrost regions occupy about 25% of the Northern Hemisphere’s terrestrial surface, and more than 60% of that of Russia.  Warming, thawing, and
degradation of permafrost have been observed in many
locations in recent decades and are likely to accelerate in
the future as a result of climatic change. Changes of
permafrost have important implications for natural systems,
humans, and the economy of the northern lands.
Results from mathematical modeling indicate that by the
mid-21st century, near-surface permafrost in the Northern
Hemisphere may shrink by 15%–30%, leading to
complete thawing of the frozen ground in the upper few
meters, while elsewhere the depth of seasonal thawing
may increase on average by 15%–25%, and by 50% or
more in the northernmost locations) Steam produced by the nuclear rods was almost 276 degrees celsius that turns the turbines to produce the required electricity needed.   ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

The Bilibino Nuclear Power Plant

Posted on  by ok4u2bu
In short, a nuclear power plant is a large boiler. Boiling water heated up to 270 degrees Celsius goes to the reactor where it cools fuel rods with pellets of uranium inside. It goes out with a temperature of 276 degrees Celsius. Part of this water evaporates and the steam rotates the turbines. This is how electricity is produced.
Let’s visit the only nuclear power plant built under the conditions of the permafrost. It is located in Bilibino, the Chukchi Autonomous District.


About 700 people work at the power plant.
It is guarded by military men who check passports and cameras of all people entering the power plant.
“Evacuation plan”, “Shelter – 18 m”.
This is the entrance leading into the shelter. Yet they say it is closed and no one knows where the key is.
In the chief engineer’s office.
Putting on special overalls.
Workers of the nuclear power plant have their personal dosimeters which get zeroed once a month.
This is where they leave their dosimeters after work.
“This is the one responsible for safety”.
In this department there are turbines that turn steam into electricity.
Water pumps.
A control center.
Circuit breakers.
In this department they ask their visitors not to raise their hands.
The main control center.
All these signs say “Do not turn on! People are working”.
A power supply plan.
Behind this door you will find four nuclear reactors.
The reactors are hidden under those red circles. On the left are the fuel rods.
Spent fuel is kept here, in special shafts.
One of the four reactors.
This reactor is not working right now so it’s open.
Let’s take a closer look at it.
The closer you come, the louder your dosimeter cracks.
These pictures show how the covers of the reactors can be lifted.
Those leaving this department get scanned.
“The Bilibino Nuclear Power Plant”.
Location: Bilibino
This entry was posted in Photos, Technology and tagged , , ,, , , .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................  <a href="" target="_top"><img src=""></a>         ..................................................................................................................................................  <A href=""> <img src="" border="0"> </A>     .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Top 20 snacks with less than 200 calories

About albert de leon's health report1-     ..................................................................................................................................................     ..................................................................................................................................................Try these very delicious and appetizing energy giving snacks with vitamins and minerals and mostly with great protected calories of rich prorteins needed by our bodies every hour of the day... ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Top 20 snacks that contain less than 200 calories

Last updated on: April 2, 2012 18:50 IST


If you're feeling peckish but don't want to pack on the pounds, here are 20 healthy options that will keep the calorie-count to a minimum!
If you want to stay full and keep fit at the same time, you need to stock up on the following foods pronto!
Instant oatmeal-1
Cinnamon-flavoured instant oatmeal makes a fulfilling desk snack, but be careful as many options may be loaded with sugar.
You can add to the nutrient quotient by adding a handful of nuts and seeds of your choice.
Instant oatmeal will provide about 120-140 calories plus fibre and protein; check your label for details.

Image: Oatmeal
Photographs: Courtesy
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Soy crisps-2

Last updated on: April 2, 2012 18:50 IST

Soy crisps

Soy-based snacks are rich in protein and are more healthy than regular crackers or biscuits, as just a single serving will provide upto five grams of protein.
Calories: About 120-200 depending on how many servings you eat.

Image: Soy crisps
Photographs: Courtesy
Tags:....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................   »   » Top 20 snacks that contain less than 200 calories

Hard-boiled egg and banana-3

Last updated on: April 2, 2012 18:50 IST

Hard-boiled egg

One hard-boiled egg and a medium banana can keep you going energetically for two to three hours, as they provide a healthy 180 calories and seven grams of protein.

Image: Hard-boiled egg
Photographs: Courtesy
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Egg white sandwich-4

Last updated on: April 2, 2012 18:50 IST

Egg white sandwich

An egg white sandwich will provide you with 180 calories and 14 grams of protein (if made with two medium eggs).

Image: Egg white sandwich
Photographs: Courtesy
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Almond butter on multigrain bread-5

Last updated on: April 2, 2012 18:50 IST

Almond butter on multigrain bread

A single slice of multigrain bread with two tablespoons of almond butter provides you with 200 healthy calories, plus six grams of protein.

Image: Almond butter on multigrain bread
Photographs: Courtesy
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Multigrain bread with fruit spread-6

Last updated on: April 2, 2012 18:50 IST

Multigrain bread with fruit spread

A single multigrain bread slice with a tablespoon of fresh fruit spread, which is rich in fibre, provides a long-lasting 140 calories plus fibre.

Image: Multigrain bread with fruit spread
Photographs: Courtesy
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Healthy fruit sorbet-7

Last updated on: April 2, 2012 18:50 IST

Healthy fruit sorbet

Easy to make at home, fruit sorbets are a healthier alternative to ice cream, plus lighter on calories.
Note that fruit sorbets are high in sugar, so you may need to balance your calories through the day, as just half a cup would be worth about 100 calories of energy.

Image: Healthy fruit sorbet
Photographs: Courtesy
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Fresh fruits-8

Last updated on: April 2, 2012 18:50 IST


Fruits (bananas, apples, and oranges ) are anytime snacks as they are easy to carry and are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fibre and can give you an immediate energy boost.
Calories: About 80-120, depending upon the fruit.

Image: Apples
Photographs: Courtesy
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Dried figs-9

Last updated on: April 2, 2012 18:50 IST

Dried figs

Dried figs are a naturally sweet snack that is high in calcium, potassium, protein and fibre. Four medium-sized dried figs will provide you with 90 calories and four grams of fibre.

Image: Dried figs
Photographs: Courtesy
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Banana with peanut butter-10

Last updated on: April 2, 2012 18:50 IST

Banana with peanut butter

Do you like peanut butter and/or bananas? Together they make a crunchy and satisfying snack.
A medium-sized banana and one tablespoon of nutty peanut butter provides 190 calories of energy, five grams of protein and four grams of fibre.

Image: Banana with peanut butter
Photographs: Courtesy
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Baked sweet potato-11

Last updated on: April 2, 2012 18:50 IST

Baked sweet potato

Rich in Vitamin A and C, sweet potatoes are known as a super food and a medium-baked sweet potato is a perfect, filling snack. You may want to add low-fat cheese to make it tastier.
One medium sweet potato and two tablespoons of low-fat cheese would provide about 200 calories, five grams of protein and seven grams of fibre.

Image: Baked sweet potato
Photographs: Courtesy
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Beans and tortilla-12

Last updated on: April 2, 2012 18:50 IST

Beans and tortilla

Spread cooked beans on a corn tortilla and top with an ounce of shredded cheese. Bake it till the cheese melts.
A single tostada will provide about 150 calories and eight grams of protein.

Image: Beans and tortilla
Photographs: Courtesy
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Black bean soup-13

Last updated on: April 2, 2012 18:50 IST

Black bean soup

A bowl of hot soup is a filling snack and black beans with some veggies like tomato, broccoli and sweet peppers make a snack rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre and taste.
A bowl of black bean soup would provide about 140 calories and six grams of protein.

Image: Black bean soup
Photographs: Courtesy
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Canned tuna-14

Last updated on: April 2, 2012 18:50 IST

Canned tuna

A 3 oz can of tuna with a few black olives and lemon juice provides about 100 calories of energy, packed with 18 grams of protein and healthy omega 3 fatty acids.
Ensure you are using tuna packed in water and not oil.

Image: Canned tuna
Photographs: Courtesy
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Last updated on: April 2, 2012 18:50 IST


Eighteen dry-roasted cashews provide 180 calories, plus five grams of protein, magnesium and iron.

Image: Cashews
Photographs: Courtesy
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Chips and salsa-16

Last updated on: April 2, 2012 18:50 IST

Chips and salsa


Snack on baked tortilla chips dipped in savoury salsa or a low-fat cheese dip.
About 20 baked tortilla chips and half a cup of salsa will provide 200 calories.

Image: Chips and salsa
Photographs: Courtesy
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Chocolate yoghurt-17

Last updated on: April 2, 2012 18:50 IST

Chocolate yoghurt

Fat-free chocolate yogurt tastes even better than chocolate ice cream, but be careful as it is still high in sugar content.
About a small cup or 6-8 oz will give you about 200 calories of energy, plus seven to eight grams of protein.

Image: Chocolate yoghurt
Photographs: Courtesy
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Cheese with fresh fruit-18

Last updated on: April 2, 2012 18:50 IST

Cheese with fresh fruit

Low-fat cheese is rich in protein. Combined with the fibre-rich natural goodness of strawberries or pineapple, it makes a tasty and energetic snack.
Half a cup of low-fat cheese and a cup of cubed pineapple provides 120 calories plus a whopping 14 grams of protein.

Image: Cheese with fresh fruit
Photographs: Courtesy
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Hummus with fresh veggies-19

Last updated on: April 2, 2012 18:50 IST

Hummus with fresh veggies

Hummus is made from protein-rich chickpeas and can be a great dip along with sweet or red bell peppers.
You may replace bell peppers with asparagus, carrots, snap peas, zucchini, mushrooms or any vegetable as they offer healthy carbohydrates, a good amount of fibre and many vitamins and minerals.
Calories: About 100�, depending upon the amount of hummus you eat.

Image: Hummus with fresh veggies
Photographs: Courtesy
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Lean turkey sandwich-20

Last updated on: April 2, 2012 18:50 IST

Lean turkey sandwich

A lean turkey wholegrain bread sandwich gives you energy-boosting carbohydrates, plus protein. You may replace lean turkey with lean chicken meat.
Calories: About 140-200, depending upon the amount and type of meat.

Image: Lean turkey sandwich
Photographs: Courtesy
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