Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Bilibino nuclear power plant

   The reactors are hidden beneath those red circles  .
About albert de leon's nuclear power plant report from Russia-

..     About 700 people work at the  power plant   ......................................................................................................................................................       ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................The Bilibino nuclear power plant in Chukchi Peninsula was built under the permafrost conditions.(The permafrost regions occupy about 25% of the Northern Hemisphere’s terrestrial surface, and more than 60% of that of Russia.  Warming, thawing, and
degradation of permafrost have been observed in many
locations in recent decades and are likely to accelerate in
the future as a result of climatic change. Changes of
permafrost have important implications for natural systems,
humans, and the economy of the northern lands.
Results from mathematical modeling indicate that by the
mid-21st century, near-surface permafrost in the Northern
Hemisphere may shrink by 15%–30%, leading to
complete thawing of the frozen ground in the upper few
meters, while elsewhere the depth of seasonal thawing
may increase on average by 15%–25%, and by 50% or
more in the northernmost locations) Steam produced by the nuclear rods was almost 276 degrees celsius that turns the turbines to produce the required electricity needed.   ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

The Bilibino Nuclear Power Plant

Posted on  by ok4u2bu
In short, a nuclear power plant is a large boiler. Boiling water heated up to 270 degrees Celsius goes to the reactor where it cools fuel rods with pellets of uranium inside. It goes out with a temperature of 276 degrees Celsius. Part of this water evaporates and the steam rotates the turbines. This is how electricity is produced.
Let’s visit the only nuclear power plant built under the conditions of the permafrost. It is located in Bilibino, the Chukchi Autonomous District.


About 700 people work at the power plant.
It is guarded by military men who check passports and cameras of all people entering the power plant.
“Evacuation plan”, “Shelter – 18 m”.
This is the entrance leading into the shelter. Yet they say it is closed and no one knows where the key is.
In the chief engineer’s office.
Putting on special overalls.
Workers of the nuclear power plant have their personal dosimeters which get zeroed once a month.
This is where they leave their dosimeters after work.
“This is the one responsible for safety”.
In this department there are turbines that turn steam into electricity.
Water pumps.
A control center.
Circuit breakers.
In this department they ask their visitors not to raise their hands.
The main control center.
All these signs say “Do not turn on! People are working”.
A power supply plan.
Behind this door you will find four nuclear reactors.
The reactors are hidden under those red circles. On the left are the fuel rods.
Spent fuel is kept here, in special shafts.
One of the four reactors.
This reactor is not working right now so it’s open.
Let’s take a closer look at it.
The closer you come, the louder your dosimeter cracks.
These pictures show how the covers of the reactors can be lifted.
Those leaving this department get scanned.
“The Bilibino Nuclear Power Plant”.
Location: Bilibino
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