Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Allies Of Humanities: Second Briefing Part C

About adleon(The Allies Of Humanities: Second Briefing Part C )HUM-3    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icosWSR3QX4&list=PL39C47B2F84EC40E8&index=3         .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................PLAYLISTPhilippine Manila Illuminati New World Order

The Allies Of Humanity : Second Briefing Part C (HD)

danielofdoriaadanielofdoriaa·304 videos
31 likes, 4 dislikes
Published on Jun 28, 2012
I Have been asked to do Book Three of Allies of Humanity and put it onto youtube by The GreaterCommunity, This is The Second Breifing Part C. This is all Brand New information for 2012! For the rest Check the Video responses & The Full Playlist on my page. Lots more Coming Very soon, im working on it Now! Please check Out The Playlist On my page. Enjoy, Spread and make viral!!





(Awaken To Your Multidimensional SELF)


DONATIONS If you feel like Donating, you can, it would be my passion to make films full time.

Any help is Truly Appreciated!

BE LOVE ((((O)))) Come Join!! SHINE & RIPPLE The Wave of Love!!

    Uploader Comments (danielofdoriaa)

    • lovefrankiephuck
      Hi Daniel, Sheldon Nidel says the Agarthans would have us enter "light chambers" to help change our consciousness...would this be a trap? or make us dependent on them?
      He speaks of replicators, and communication devices, as gifts. Would these techno-trinkets be a way to free us, or enslave us? I want to believe there are good aliens to help, against the dark enslavement we are currently under...My inner voice is fairly confused at this point...((((O))))
    • danielofdoriaa
      Yeah, it is a complete TRAP. WE evolve naturally on our own through our own choices.
      we do not need Their Tech or Trinkets also ;), Their is every variation of Being somewhere, of every aliqnment and in all forms. Their is an infinite amount of life around us in this Living conscious universe. It is upto us each individually to rise to the occasion, freedom only Comes when you decide to Truly live it each moment. Then it ripples. Much L((((O))))Ve my friend.
      ·in reply to lovefrankiephuck
    • benemund3
      Very interesting things, but a lot of deep thought-provoking topic. Dan you are good at this.
    • danielofdoriaa
      I Have Alot of experience in this area ;)
      ·in reply to benemund3

    All Comments (27)

    • mariamole011
      they have translators..
    • Geronemoable
      Don't give to a hungry men no Fish, because tomorow he will be hungry again and will come to you for another one. Better learn hungry fishing, so he will be independant.
      And now reverse the idea and you get the recepy for enslavemen and exploitation of humanity.
    • lovefrankiephuck
      Thank You Patti.......L(((((O)))))VE
      ·in reply to Patti Cook(Show the comment)
    • Patti Cook
      Yes, I do. We seek in earnest, within ourselves and that request can only be answered in the same manner. We have the ability to create by our emotions. When we overcome the petty emotions of lower frequencies and align our emotions with the higher part of ourselves (where true love resides) then we truly do evolve. That's the journey, the reason we chose to be here and in so doing we help our entire species. It is more than evolving, it's a 'remembering', because we are already there.
    • lovefrankiephuck
      Hi Patti, I wish to evolve, without off-world influence. The powers that are, have suppressed inventions and technologies that would have made huge differences on our journey. Sad, but they don't include us in their plans, except to be slaves, and then only want a small number, to maintain their comfort.
      Do you believe that energies are pouring in from the galactic center, that are going to change their plans?
      ·in reply to Patti Cook(Show the comment)
    • Patti Cook
      As in the briefing prior to this, they advised us NOT to accept gifts from alien technologies! We must remember who we are and how we ARE capable of evolving ourselves. The very desire to evolve and raise your frequency/vibration is already a step forward. Look within. Meditate. You will find your way that way.
    • TheSuperMAn1989
      Of course they had to wait until we builded the infrastructure to come and take what they will make us work for what they want from this world for themselves.They are behind the net and all "marvelous"technology that we have been observing and utilizing for at the same time and through that technology and their hybrids that are being born since many generations, now they can take an easy control.They are the NWO. Ahhh..I know we are responsible for it as well but Jesus guide us out of this mess!
    • skiball100points
      They're trying to trade us beads for Manhatten. The good thing for us is that we apparently won't have to worry about them killing us even if we don't take the beads.
    • In2ittion
      PT2 if there is anyone out there that has not full did any research on this subject please refer to the teachings of ST. Germane. and you will be surprised what you find. the G in the middle of masonic brotherhood stands for that. It was intended to be for the good of humanity until they outcast him and reversed it and made the movement something diabolical. That is not the only movement that was corrupted by the reptilian minions. also research the Draco the fallen angels.. youll be surprised.


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