Monday, February 13, 2012

Photovoltaic Technology

UPDATE REPORT(photovoltaic technology): :.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Posted by Jeffrey DavisUser7343_level Wednesday, October 27 201011 comments
No, it's not a joke or a crazy awesome futuristic concept. It's real.
Tata Steel Europe (formerly Corus) and Swansea University in Wales, UK are collaborating to develop a spray-on technology that would transform steel sheets into solar panelsEarth and Industry says,
The technology has significant applications since it is highly efficient even in diffused sunlight. Therefore, countries at higher latitudes or those with limited solar energy resource can generate significant amounts of solar-powered electricity with going for large-scale power plants.

If extended, the technology can find its way to the automobile industry where photo-sensitive dyes can be applied to cars to generate electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen for fuel cells. Tata recently invested in an American company, Sun Catalytix, which integrates low-cost catalyst with solar-powered fuel cells to generate power.
Imagine the applications of such a product. No more need to invest thousands of dollars in not-so efficient solar panels for your home. No range limit for electric vehicles. No more need for that laptop to die when you're out without your power cable.
The power options could be limitless.
And if you think the spray-on solar technology is years away from reality, think again. The Earth and Industry article goes on to say,
The technology gains significance because the process of 'printing' these dyes on the steel sheets has already been mastered by Tata's European subsidiary Corus which is working on a new plant for the production of these steel sheets.
What other applications could you see for such an incredible photovoltaic technology?
[Photo: Jaredmoo/Flickr]

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